By TradesViz On in How-To

Everything you need to know about notes, notetaking and organizing notes in TradesViz trading journal

The complete guide to notes in TradesViz trading journal. You will learn how to efficiently take notes, organize them and use them in your trading journal with this guide.

By TradesViz On in How-To

Create custom TradingView chart setups for all your trades!

Create a TradingView setup that will be auto-imported/applied to your technical analysis charts whenever you explore any trade.

By TradesViz On in How-To

Journal from your discord server: Connect your Discord account to TradesViz

We know everyone is on Discord these days so we created something special for you: You can now add trades to your journal right from the comfort of your discord servers!

By TradesViz On in How-To

Simplifying Trade Journaling in TradesViz

Overwhelmed by the features of TradesViz? Do you think it's too much for you? Read this post and learn more on how you can get max value out of your account all while keeping things super simple!

By TradesViz On in How-To

How to write notes during trading and automatically merge them with your trades

Do you want to take down notes during trading and not just after trading? We now have a solution for you: Write notes on TradesViz during your trading and then import your trades when you are done trading. TradesViz will automatically merge the note with the trade based on time.